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Re: bumping htslib stack to version 1.17

Hi Étienne,

Am Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 10:39:49PM +0200 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
> I have staged an upload of htslib 1.17 into experimental last
> week, and pseudo-excuses didn't raise any obvious issues[1],
> beyond a breakage of samtools 1.16, whose bump to version 1.17
> looks smooth so far.  I will migrate these packages this evening
> to unstable.

Thanks a lot for doing so.
> I don't expect any difficulties, and this should unlock the
> possibility to bump the version of all sorts of packages part of
> the htslib ecosystem.  Hopefully this won't throw too much more
> entropy in the archive.

In case some helping hands are needed if something might break feel free
to ping me.  I currently pulled the CRAN stack on my desk but this can
also wait a couple of days if some other things might be more urgent.

Kind regards

> [1]: https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?experimental=1&package=htslib


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