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Re: Possibility of In-person sprints in 2023?

Am Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 11:28:51PM +0100 schrieb Steffen Möller:
> I agree, it would be good to meet. Should we not meet up in your home town, Andreas?

My home town is quite cute but the traveling distance to any Airport is to high
to consider a meeting here.

> (Or Nilesh?)

I do not think that moving several Europeans to India makes much sense.

> I could collect Nilesh from the Frankfurt Airport to guide him to your mountainous hideout.

Its a 4.5 hour ride by car (about 6 hours by train)

> Alternatively I would contact a few institutes in Germany that perform Covid 19 research on live viruses and ask them if they would host us - Hamburg, Berlin or some of this historically cool places like https://www.fli.de/ (built on an island with a purpose).

While I'd love to go to Riems Island its even harder reachable.  So lets settle at
some place where people can easily go (like Berlin, Hamburg, may be Lübeck or

Kind regards


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