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apache arrow anyone?

Dear all,

You once asked me to point to packages that I would consider of
particular importance to be packaged. Got one.

Apache Arrow https://arrow.apache.org/faq/ knows how to efficiently
handle large tabular data. And, while not in our distribution, it blocks
some workflows for Debian Med. Arrow comes with interfaces to all the
prominent languages, for the Med-workflows it is typically the Python
interface pyarrow that is needed.

https://arrow.apache.org/install/ presents a repository for Debian with
a binary distribution on https://apache.jfrog.io/artifactory/arrow. Now,
ideally, Apache would have contributed to Debian directly instead of
providing their own repository. Maybe the right way to approach this
would be to team up with the Apache folks. I just do not see any means
to us just go and use their binary in the meantime since anything
depending on it would not be buildable/testable.

I am not using Arrow myself, but I presume just like me you all know
some project that should be using it :)


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