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Re: What is the relation ncbi-magicblast and magicblast

Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> writes:

> ERR [1] --  [objects/genomecoll/gc_cli] test_gencoll_svc_ASSM     (real 0.04, user 0.03, sys 0.00)

This is one of the tests that requires a network connection, and as such
will fail on the autobuilders unless trimmed altogether.  The available
offline tests are

OK  --  [serial/datatool] datatool.sh
SKP --  [serial/datatool] datatool_xml.sh
OK  --  [objtools/blast/gene_info_reader/unit_test] gene_info_unit_test
OK  --  [algo/blast/proteinkmer/unit_test] proteinkmer_unit_test
OK  --  [algo/blast/unit_tests/api] blastdiag_unit_test
OK  --  [misc/jsonwrapp/test] test_jsonwrapp
OK  --  [misc/jsonwrapp/test] test_jsonwrapp10

NB: blastdiag_unit_test is in the same directory as aascan_unit_test,
which requires a network connection, so should be pulled in by
executable name rather than directory name.

> E: ncbi-magicblast source: license-problem-json-evil c++/include/misc/jsonwrapp/rapidjson10/license.txt
> E: ncbi-magicblast source: license-problem-json-evil c++/include/misc/jsonwrapp/rapidjson11/license.txt

Again, these are false positives -- rapidjson here is trimmed even more
aggressively than in #840333, and in particular doesn't include the
problematic jsonchecker subtree.


Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org)
http://www.mit.edu/~amu/ | http://stuff.mit.edu/cgi/finger/?amu@monk.mit.edu

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