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State of shiny-server

shiny-server has been mentioned as a potential covid-19 related package [0], though it isn't on the current hackathon list [4].

There is a packaging attempt in science-team Salsa (but no formal ITP) from early 2018. Discussion at the time suggests it builds but possibly doesn't work [1], and was abandoned because neither the science team nor the Javascript team wanted to take responsibility for its Javascript dependencies [2-3].

It appears to have 9 such dependencies that are not already packaged, plus some that are but in the wrong version: see list below.

[0] https://salsa.debian.org/blends-team/med/-/blob/master/tasks/covid-19#L80
[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2018/01/msg00141.html
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2018/02/msg00095.html
[3] https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2018/09/msg00036.html
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/community/2020-covid19-hackathon/-/wikis/COVID-19-Hackathon-packages-needing-work

$ npm2deb depends -r https://github.com/rstudio/shiny-server/raw/master/package.json # plus manual editing
NPM                              Debian
shiny-server (1.5.13)            None
├─ bash (0.0.1)                  None
├─ client-sessions (^0.8.0)      None (RFP #896975)
│  └─ cookies (^0.7.0)           node-cookies (0.8.0-2)
├─ compression (^1.7.4)          node-compression (1.7.4-2)
├─ express (^4.16.4)             node-express (4.17.1-2)
├─ faye-websocket (^0.11.3)      too old node-faye-websocket (0.11.1-1)
├─ graceful-fs (^4.1.15)         node-graceful-fs (4.2.3-2)
├─ handlebars (^4.5.3)           node-handlebars (3:4.7.2-1)
├─ http-proxy (^1.17.0)          None (RFP #896978)
│  ├─ eventemitter3 (^4.0.0)     None
│  ├─ follow-redirects (^1.0.0)  node-follow-redirects (1.2.4-1)
│  └─ requires-port (^1.0.0)     node-requires-port (1.0.0-1)
├─ ip-address (^5.9.0)           None
│  ├─ jsbn (1.1.0)               node-jsbn (1.1.0-1)
│  ├─ lodash.find (4.6.0)        node-lodash (4.17.15+dfsg-2)
│  ├─ lodash.max (4.0.1)         node-lodash (4.17.15+dfsg-2)
│  ├─ lodash.merge (4.6.2)       node-lodash (4.17.15+dfsg-2)
│  ├─ lodash.padstart (4.6.1)    node-lodash (4.17.15+dfsg-2)
│  ├─ lodash.repeat (4.1.0)      node-lodash (4.17.15+dfsg-2)
│  └─ sprintf-js (1.1.2)         node-sprintf-js (1.1.2+ds1-1)
├─ log4js (^4.1.1)               node-log4js (6.1.0-1)
├─ moment (^2.24.0)              node-moment (2.24.0+ds-2)
├─ morgan (^1.9.1)               None
│  ├─ basic-auth (~2.0.1)        None
│  │  └─ safe-buffer (5.1.2)     node-safe-buffer (5.2.0-1)
│  ├─ debug (2.6.9)              too new node-debug (4.1.1-2)
│  ├─ depd (~2.0.0)              node-depd (2.0.0-1)
│  ├─ on-finished (~2.3.0)       node-on-finished (2.3.0-1)
│  └─ on-headers (~1.0.2)        node-on-headers (1.0.2-1)
├─ nan (^2.14.0)                 node-nan (2.14.0-1)
├─ optimist (0.6.1)              node-optimist (0.6.1-1)
├─ pause (0.1.0)                 None
├─ q (^1.5.1)                    node-q (1.5.1-2)
├─ qs (^6.7.0)                   node-qs (6.9.1+ds-1)
├─ send (^0.17.0)                node-send (0.17.1-2)
├─ shiny-server-client (https://github.com/rstudio/shiny-server-client/archive/fb1aef1.tar.gz)node-shiny-server-client (1.0.0+git20180820.eba5e90+dfsg-2)
├─ sockjs (^0.3.19)              too old sockjs-client (0.3.4+dfsg-2)
│  ├─ faye-websocket (^0.10.0)   node-faye-websocket (0.11.1-1)
│  ├─ uuid (^3.4.0)              node-uuid (3.3.2-2)
│  └─ websocket-driver (0.6.5)   too old node-websocket-driver (0.3.5-1)
├─ split (^1.0.1)                too old node-split (1.0.0-1)
├─ stable (^0.1.8)               None (see below)
└─ underscore (^1.9.1)           underscore (1.9.1~dfsg-1)

Build dependencies:
NPM                                               Debian
mocha (^6.1.4)                   too new node-mocha (7.0.1+ds1-2)
rewire (^4.0.1)                  None
should (^13.2.3)                 should.js (13.2.3~dfsg-3)
sinon (^7.3.2)                   too new node-sinon (9.0.1+ds-1)

Warnings occurred:
[warning] stable: stable is included in node-svgo. Package it separately and remove it from node-svgo if you need it for another module.

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