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Re: Typo in edam scopes or new format

Hi Andreas,

On 11.04.19 16:13, Andreas Tille wrote:
On Mon, Apr 08, 2019 at 11:13:18PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
On 08.04.19 22:34, Andreas Tille wrote:
I missread this. It is about input(s)/output(s), not about scope(s). I
like the singular form much better. Would not want to change that, really.
Please settle with **one** form, **change** it to the prefered form and
**stick** to this.  The importer is checking for typos and either
singular or plural is a typo (whatever you decide).
It shall be singular for both input and output. Please kindly adjust the
and all other EDAM files then need to be adjusted.
Are you **really** sure, you just want to edit at least 70 files
instead of 7?

.../salsa/med-team $ grep -w input */debian/upstream/edam | wc -l
.../salsa/med-team $ grep -w output */debian/upstream/edam | wc -l

.../salsa/med-team $ grep -w outputs */debian/upstream/edam | wc -l
.../salsa/med-team $ grep -w inputs */debian/upstream/edam | wc -l

   I'd love if we make
scientific decisions in biology and not linguistics.
Since I have not seen any commits tackling this I simply hesitate to
edit the parser which would reduce the valid data set by one order of
magnitude.  Are you *really* sure that you want this?

You are cordially invited to change the parser to accept both singular
_and_ plural forms - and to raise an error when the plural form is given
for a single input/output only. Linguistics aside, the singular form is
how bio.tools has it. And one of the design goals was to remain
compatible with how they are expecting EDAM annotation.

I don't have all the packages checked out, which would make it much like
a "sed -i 's/   inputs:/   input:/' */debian/upstream/edam" kind of
thing. No worries. This can be dealt with quickly.



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