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Re: using upstream tag instead of tarball

Dear Maitland,

Thank you for your suggestion about using git archive.
As gitlab offers a permanent url depending on the tag, I will use the mechanism suggested by Andreas in the watch file.

Best regards,

On 14/07/18 02:36, A. Maitland Bottoms wrote:
On Fri, 13 Jul 2018 18:33:13 +0200
Emmanuel Promayon <Emmanuel.Promayon@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

Dear all,

I am trying to package the new CamiTK release (release 4.1.0) and I
can't do it without a bit of help!

In upstream we are also using a local gitlab instance to host our
project (hosted on gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr).
We want to change the way the CamiTK debian package is linked with
upstream. Before we always published an upstream source tarball. Now
we would like to avoid the creation of this upstream source tarball
and create the tarball required by apt directly from the upstream tag.

I am therefore trying to move to this new process.
I tried to get information (especially from [1]), but I am not sure I
understand things very well.

This is where I am so far:

1) I have the following ~/.gbp.conf

# Use pristine-tar
pristine-tar = True
pristine-tar-commit = True
postbuild = lintian -iIE --pedantic $GBP_CHANGES_FILE && echo
"Lintian OK" # Upstream tag is a number e.g. 4.1.0
upstream-tag = %(version)s
# working branch
debian-branch = debian/sid

2 ) I did the following :

git branch -m upstream old-upstream
git remote add upstream
git remote -v
git fetch upstream
I have been a fan of using git archive for this case, and at this
point in your workflow I would try this:

git archive --format=tar --prefix=camitk-4.1.0/ 4.1.0 | xz > \

(presuming git has a tag 4.1.0) then using pristine-tar on that.

git checkout -b debian/sid 4.1.0
# here add the debian/ directory by hand
git add debian
git commit -m "add debian packaging dir"
git push --set-upstream origin debian/sid
gbp dch --debian-branch=debian/sid --snapshot --auto debian/

But I am not sure it is the right thing to do as for instance the
changelog now has an entry 4.0.4-3~1.gbpaa26a9 and did not take the
tag "4.1.0" into account.

Did any one tried to move from using the upstream tarball to using an
upstream tag instead?
Thanks in advance for any help or comment about what I did so far
(which might be completely the wrong thing to do!)

Kind regards,

But I do not (yet) have a handle on how this can be automated using
new uscan features, so I am looking forward to other folks responses
on this topic.


Emmanuel Promayon
Professeur Univ. Grenoble Alpes / Polytech Grenoble
Laboratoire TIMC-IMAG / équipe GMCAO
Tel. +33/0 456 52 00 03

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