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Re: License of Support Vector Machine

Hi Kumardeep,

'm also CCing the Debian Med list in my reply (I forgot the CC in the
mail I've sendet yesterday but bounced it now to get a public record of
this discussion).

On Sat, Jan 02, 2016 at 12:34:17PM +0530, kumardeep wrote:
> I am replying on the behalf of gpsr_1.0 team. 

Thanks for your reply.

> Earlier gpsr_1.0 package required svmlight dependency (esp. svm_classify), and the issue of licensing was bottleneck for the integration into the debian package. Now, we have incorporated built-in in-house perl version of svm_classify; which makes our gpsr_1.0 package independent of any obligations to svm_light package.
> Please find the tar.gz file of gpsr_1.0 package independent of svm_classify. 

Thanks, this answers the question of my previous mail if the svm replacement
is part of your 1.0 release.

However, the install.pl script is checking for svmlight.  Could you
point out a way to move the files in the right location without using
this install script that is bound to fail without svmlight?

Moreover I admit I was not able to find a proper description for gpsr
for the Debian package.  Could you either point me to a website with a
one or two paragraph description what this software is doing or could
you please provide such a description?

Kind regards




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