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linuxbrew with homebrew/science - works!


this is about


It features an astonishing array of bioinformatics software and kind of
saves what is left of my sanity to get our local HPC environment going.
Our admins are "its in your home directory" fine with it.

I do not know what this means for Debian Med. It is a competition. And,
with some early brain wash from the homebrew on the Mac I am now using
on my desk, it also feels natural. Kind of nice is that the package
names seem to be kept in sync with ours, e.g. I just noticed that STAR,
our NGS aligner, is also called rna-star. And any such sync would be
really nice to have so we can benefit from each other.

The update to new versions is fairly straight forward. You say

brew edit <packagename>

and basically just change the download URL plus fixes to the downstream
errors if the version happens to build differently. Then you craft a
pull request. See


I would not mind a little thread about what we can learn from that
effort and if there any sorts of symbioses.



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