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Re: Where to send ephemerous messages related to Debian Med ?

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 03:06:36PM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> I tend to refrain to post messages like "I am on it", etc, when preparing an
> upload, but then I tend to be scooped by Andreas, who is so efficient those
> days :)  I wonder if there would be a good place for such messages on different
> communication media.

That's really a good question and I was also wondering about it (since I
was also beaten by you in the past ;-)).
>  - IRC ?  On my side, I am not a big fan of IRC, since to use it I need to dedicate
>    most of my screen surface to it (I am shortsighted) and most of my time to it
>    (relevant messages tend to be buried by lots of lines about who entered and
>    who left).  But maybe I am just using an inefficient client (xchat).

Due to a conversation on debian-qa list (I'm to lazy to seek for it)
xchat is orphaned and you should rather use its clone hexchat.

> Anyway,
>    the big drawback of IRC is that, unless one spends some time setting up a bot,
>    the messages are only visible to those who are connected.

Besides the fact that I can't IRC on work hours I consider it time
draining and use it only for scheduled meetings.  So using IRC would not
help me to solve the sayi problem.
>  - Identica ?  I see that some Debian developers are using it.  Is it possible
>    to create a Debian Med group that one can follow without being logged in ?
>    That could be neat.

Hmmmm, there was some effort to twitter about uploads - no idea whether
this ever happened.  If yes, I'm sure it could be also directed to
>  - Other suggestions ?

For me the situation is the following:  Uploads become visible on the
development list in a close to timely way.  It happened that I did some
sponsoring upload less than 5 times in the last years which means I
spent a couple of minutes per year in a useless way.  While this is a
bit sad on the other hand I'm happy that others are working on the same
field so it also triggers a positive feeling.  I think any means I need
to check in addition or even implementing new means to avoid this would
drain more time than I will possibly waste in the future.

So I personally do not intend to invest time into preventing this small
amount of duplicated work.

Kind regards



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