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Re: [Bio-linux-dev] Bringing the Artemis package officially into Debian

Hi, Jim, Sascha, and all,

Following the earlier email exchange, I had started some draft packaging
for Artemis [1]. At a cursory look, it seems that all the Java
dependencies are now available from Debian packages. That is, except for
jemAlign.jar, which I can find no trace of anywhere on the internet
other than Artemis's bundle and an email thread on Debian Med where
Andreas is also looking for its source. The Artemis upstream repository
at github shows that the jar file is about as old as git itself, so I'm
curious if it is still even necessary (or even works with modern Java

In any case, my draft package doesn't build right now, apparently
because the classpath is not being read by javac. Did I mention I'm no
Java enthusiast? Anyone who wants to make changes to the packaging
repository is more than welcome.

Many thanks and regards

1. https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/artemis.git

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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