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Re: Please be prepared for a move of tasks files for Debian Med from SVN to Git (Was: looking for a review for pycorrfit)

btw, how do I update the tasks page?

I was looking for it in debian-med policy and checkout the
debian-med tasks from svn,
but the link in README seem to be broken:
Hmmm, from what README, did you got this link.

The README in the root of debian-med from svn.

   It definitely needs
fixing.  The reason are two migration steps.  The first one was from
SGML to XML in the documentation which changed the file names which was
not backed up by some symlinks.  The next transition was done from
blends.alioth.debian.org to blends.debian.org.  While I installed
redirects to the new location the old file names of the doc where not
regarded.  I now just installed symlinks at the old locations so the
old links should work again (at least the one you posted above) but
all those old READMEs should be fixed in any case.

Just let me know if you have any trouble with updating the tasks files.
Since you either need to be a DD or a member of the blends team you
will perhaps face permission problems.  On the other hand:  What do you
want to change?

$ grep pycorrfit *
bio:Depends: pycorrfit

I see, in that I case I don't need to change anything.

So the package is included and the framework will atomatically notice
that it migrated from Vcs to NEW queue.  Just watch the sentinel page
tomorrow. :-)

Cool, I didn't know that it works this way!

As the subject of this mail says it is planed to move Debian Med tasks
files from SVN to Git in the not so far future.  I just did the
migration for Debian Science and Debian Med will follow in the beginn
of next year.  I'm just announcing this to enable you to rise your
voice if there are strong reasons against this move.

I see, thanks for the information.

Kind regards


Best regards,

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