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Linking Praat against the native GSL library

[Cc:ing to the Debian-Med group, which is the official maintainer of the praat package in Debian.]

Hi Paul and David,

It has been recently brought to my attention the efforts of the Linaro Enterprise Group in detecting assembly code embedded in software packaged for Debian:


Praat is listed in their results:


The reason is that the Praat executable includes libraries that are shipped as shared libraries in the Debian distribution. If I understand correctly from what is written in the files:


you had modified the external libraries such that linking against the native shlib versions of them will not work. However, I could not find indications that you need an embedded version of GSL. I tried to build the praat package for Debian by linking against the native libgsl0 (see patched attached below) and it seems to work (the version of GSL currently in Debian is 1.15). Please, tell me whether you think this could be inappropriate for the Debian/Ubuntu users.

All the best,


Description: Link against the external GSL library
Author: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@laboissiere.net>
Last-Update: 2013-04-10

--- praat-5.3.44.orig/makefile
+++ praat-5.3.44/makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ include makefile.defs
 # Makes the Praat executable in the source directory.
-	$(MAKE) -C external/gsl
 	$(MAKE) -C external/glpk
 	$(MAKE) -C external/mp3
 	$(MAKE) -C external/flac
@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ all:
 		sys/libsys.a num/libnum.a kar/libkar.a \
 		external/espeak/libespeak.a external/portaudio/libportaudio.a \
 		external/flac/libflac.a external/mp3/libmp3.a \
-		external/glpk/libglpk.a external/gsl/libgsl.a \
+		external/glpk/libglpk.a -lgsl -lgslcblas \
--- praat-5.3.44.orig/contrib/ola/Makefile
+++ praat-5.3.44/contrib/ola/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 include ../../makefile.defs
-CPPFLAGS = -I ../../dwtools -I ../../fon -I ../../sys -I ../../dwsys -I ../../stat -I ../../num -I ../../external/gsl -D_DEBUG -D_REENTRANT
+CPPFLAGS = -I ../../dwtools -I ../../fon -I ../../sys -I ../../dwsys -I ../../stat -I ../../num -I /usr/include/gsl -D_DEBUG -D_REENTRANT
    KNN_threads.o Pattern_to_Categories_cluster.o KNN_prune.o FeatureWeights.o praat_contrib_Ola_KNN.o manual_KNN.o
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ libOla.a: $(OBJECTS)
 	ar cq libOla.a $(OBJECTS)
 	$(RANLIB) libOla.a
-$(OBJECTS): *.h ../../sys/*.h ../../dwtools/*.h ../../fon/*.h ../../dwsys/*.h ../../stat/*.h ../../num/*.h ../../external/gsl/*.h
+$(OBJECTS): *.h ../../sys/*.h ../../dwtools/*.h ../../fon/*.h ../../dwsys/*.h ../../stat/*.h ../../num/*.h
--- praat-5.3.44.orig/dwsys/Makefile
+++ praat-5.3.44/dwsys/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 include ../makefile.defs
-CPPFLAGS =  -I ../stat -I ../num -I ../sys -I dwsys -I ../external/gsl -I ../kar
+CPPFLAGS =  -I ../stat -I ../num -I ../sys -I dwsys -I /usr/include/gsl -I ../kar
 all: libdwsys.a
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ libdwsys.a: $(OBJECTS) NUMmachar.o
 	ar cq libdwsys.a $(OBJECTS)
 	$(RANLIB) libdwsys.a
-$(OBJECTS): *.h ../stat/*.h ../num/NUM.h ../sys/*.h ../external/gsl/*.h ../dwsys/*.h ../kar/*.h
+$(OBJECTS): *.h ../stat/*.h ../num/NUM.h ../sys/*.h ../dwsys/*.h ../kar/*.h
--- praat-5.3.44.orig/num/Makefile
+++ praat-5.3.44/num/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 include ../makefile.defs
-CPPFLAGS = -I ../external/gsl -I ../external/glpk -I ../sys -I ../dwsys
+CPPFLAGS = -I /usr/include/gsl -I ../external/glpk -I ../sys -I ../dwsys
 OBJECTS = NUM.o NUMarrays.o NUMrandom.o NUMsort.o NUMear.o NUMlinprog.o
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ libnum.a: $(OBJECTS)
 	ar cq libnum.a $(OBJECTS)
 	$(RANLIB) libnum.a
-$(OBJECTS): *.h ../external/gsl/*.h ../external/glpk/*.h ../sys/*.h ../dwsys/*.h
+$(OBJECTS): *.h ../external/glpk/*.h ../sys/*.h ../dwsys/*.h

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