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Re: Splitting imaging into two separate tasks


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 06:32:59AM -0400, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> In some circles the differentiation is made as:
> A)   "Biomedical imaging": Microscopy size...
> B)   "Medical Imaging": Human size CTs, MRs, ultrasound

Yes, that's something I was wondering about.
> These categories are not perfect, since some applications
> are in the border, but at least it provides an initial separation.

>From a metapackages / tasks point of view the things is pretty simple:
The borderline cases will go into *both* tasks because we are not trying
to do any exclusive categorisation but rather are providing tools for a
certain task.  It might be perfectly possible that one package can be
useful in two or more tasks.

> Typical representatives of those categories could be:
>                A) ImageJ, cellprofiler
>                B) dcmtk, gdcm, ITK
> Is there a base list of all the imaging applications

Yes, there is:


see the file imaging which is the basic source of information for


(and for sure the med-imaging metapackage at the same time).

> that we
> could go through and, maybe in a Wiki page, attempt to
> classify them in one of these two categories ?

No, please do not go the Wiki path again.  It becomes outdated and
unmaintained after some time.  Lets stick to the tasks file and we
might create for instance an additional file

   bioimaging  (or some more fitting name)

where we should move all pure microscopy sized applications and
copy the borderline cases.

> I'll be happy to take a first pass and suggest a split.

I just granted you commit permissions to the Blends SVN which
enables you to do the needed changes - feel free to ask in case
something in the syntax remains unclear (I'm watching commits
anyway and will fix if needed).

Kind regards



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