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Re: Packaging VistA - GT.M directories

2012/7/14 Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez@kitware.com>:

> Our first rough cut at the directory structure
> for the VistA Debian package has been:
> /var/lib/vista/
> /var/lib/vista/r
> /var/lib/vista/o
> /var/lib/vista/g
> /var/lib/vista/j
> /var/lib/vista/logs
> /var/lib/vista/inetd
> /var/lib/vista/profile

(I apologize beforehand for being largely ignorant about the way
Debian packages work. I also hope that this question hasn’t been asked
and answered before.)

I have a problem understanding how the following would work:

* The package seems to contain files constituting a database (which
seems to mean both data and code in an M context).
* Those files are put in /var/, and are therefore probably expected to
change during the normal course of operations (e.g., when VistA is
being used by users).
* Are those files therefore supposed to be considered “configuration
files”? (Because package-provided non-configuration files are not
supposed to be changed except by the package management system.)
* If so, how are updates supposed to work? Do newer packages contain a
full “pristine” version of a VistA database or rather files that
describe how to update existing files (“KIDS patches”)?
* Such a full pristine version seems to be required in any case,
because otherwise I don’t see how users that install the newer package
without upgrading from an older version would be able to get a VistA

I.e., I don’t understand how the mixture of user data (changed
continuously) and code-like stuff (normally managed by the package
management system) is going to be implemented by the package.

Are there other packages that had to solve a similar problem?


A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion.
Q. Why is top posting bad?

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