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Re: [debian-med] Install on ubuntu 10.04.2 or debian 6

On 05/11/2011 09:34 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 08:21:20PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
Why? I always understood Debian Med to support both kinds of UNIXes, Debian _and_ Ubuntu.

Am I too old? Or has anybody actually grasped the "Country and Western" Blues Brothers pun?

Uhmm, that's impossible.

Shock. Please don't say such things. It is, just not by a single person
when that is a volunteer. But we are many.

Debian Med was *before* Ubuntu even existed

and that is why it has its name.

and thus it was at least not possible to target at supporting Ubuntu.

The people's front of Judea?

It has truned out that most of Debian's application packages just work
on Ubuntu - but it was neither intended nor tested specifically.  There
are people out there who say: Ubuntu is Debian - but untested.  In this
way Debian Med packages are working on Ubuntu.

[..deleted my first reply here saying the obvious trying actively to
   understand Andreas ...]

The packaging when done right most likely runs about everywhere. In that
sense, it is distribution-agnostic. A submission to Debian is for the time
being the only way to have an automatism in place to see the package
distributed to all the derivative distros from there.

So, I would tend to understand Debian Med now as a subversion and git
repository for packaging instructions. From there, Tim is submitting directly
to his Ubuntu PPA - surprise? I submitted my first package for Lucid to
the Debian Med PPA today. Worked ... nicely. But yet, the typical workflow
is to have the packages sent to Debian unstable and when there is not
just a freeze, the packages quickly move further.

So while we are happy if Debian Med packages just work on Ubuntu we can
not give any guarantee that this is the case in every detail (I
personally just can not because I'm not running any Ubuntu machine and
thus can not test).

I can. And do.

Sebastian, when there are issues, please raise them.

... but if these issues are clearly Ubuntu related please raise them on
LaunchPad where they belong to.  I would happily help solving those
issues but I simply do not claim about things I have no chance to test.

Well, at least I now know what to blog about next. With BOINC, there are
many issues reported to Launchpad which don't belong there. I am not completely
unhappy about it since it helps distributing the work among the packages
from every distro.

There are two other packages awaiting some sponsoring of mine and then
it seems like I need to learn more about some CAD thingy ...

... many greetings


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