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Re: gbrowse2 packaging

I splitted the package to remove the binary dependency. After some investigation, it appears that the CAlign stuff is not a requirement, but rather a "plugin" lib to provide additional performance in specific usages.

So, I created gbrowse package in arch=all, and gbrowse-calign in arch=any. gbrowse-calign is a Suggests (with gbrowse-data)

This should solve the size issue for arch.



Le 4/1/11 2:54 PM, Andreas Tille a écrit :
On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 02:07:50PM +0200, Olivier Sallou wrote:
I gonna move the man pages out of the page.

For the arch, there is a .so file generated in perl libs, that"s why it
is dependent.
Ahh, I missed that piece.  From the size of the whole deb compared to
the size of the .so file it might make sense to split the arch=any and
the arch=all part into gbrowse_*_<arch>.deb and a
gbrowse-common_*_all.deb making gbrowse "Depends: gbrowse-common". I do
not have a strong opinion on this and there are always arguments against
such a split.  But the relation of a 2.5MB arch dependant Debian package
(which is copied for>  10 architectures over>  1000 mirrors all over the
world) because of a 12.5kB binary chunk inside does not sound good and
thus *I* would try to find a reasonable cut (while I did not thought
about what in this case is actually reasonable).  It might or might not
make sense to move all *.pm files and /usr/share/gbrowse to such a
common package.

So just take this as something to think about - I would definitely
sponsor the package if you decide to leave it as it is.

BTW, the "long" description of gbrowse-data is a bit short.  Moreover I
wonder if "Depends: gbrowse" is actually correct.  While you are
implying that this package does not make any sense if gbrowse is not
installed there might be users who would like to test those data with a
locally installed gbrowse (not from the Debian packaged version and thus
get even some conflict with their installation) or just want to use this
data for any other purpose.  I would only go for a Recommends in this
case to enable users installing data without beeing forced to have
gbrowse installed.

Kind regards


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