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TraceViewer for Debian Med project

Dear sir,

I'm writing on behalf of the Debian Med project which tries to assemble Free Software for bio-medical research in a ready to install form inside the Debian GNU/Linux system (and thus as a consequence into Ubuntu). Your product TraceViewer is one of the best sequence chromatography tool on Linux platform. Unfortunately it can not be added to main Debian repository without being open source. Moreover it seems that you have abandoned TraceVier in favor of CodonCode Aligner which does not support Linux operating system. In view of this arguments maybe you could consider realising source code of this program. Any free license (like GPL, BSD or something like this) would be really great. If you would consider to provide the source under a free license we hope to be able to make your program even more popular in the bio-medical researchers world because Debian and its bio-medical derivatives seem to become more and more interesting by assembling a useful set of tools which covers all workfields in Biology. What is more the community could help with fixing any bugs in your application and maintain the code for future.

Kind regards,
Tomasz Makarewicz

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