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Re: Connecting those interested in getting GT.M into the Debian repositories

Hi Andreas,

To explain further about the directory permission thing, when I built the Debian package, I started by running GT.M's 'config' script, installing GT.M into the directory /usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.4-000A_x86. I answered the installation questions as follows:

    File owner: bin
    Execution of GT.M restricted: no
    Unicode support: yes
    ICU version: 4.2
    Lower case versions of MUMPS routines: no

The config script sets up the the following directories with 'r-xr-xr-x' (i.e. not writable) permissions:

- V5.4-000A_x86
- V5.4-000A_x86/utf8
- V5.4-000A_x86/plugin
- V5.4-000A_x86/plugin/gtmcrypt
- V5.4-000A_x86/plugin/gtmcrypt/utf8

Additionally, some of these directories contain symbolic links. If I build the Debian package and maintain the non-writable permissions on the directories, when someone wishes to extract the package (dpkg -x) without root privileges, they get errors because the directories do not have write permission. So what I did was change the permissions on these directories to rwxr-xr-x in the Debian package. When the actual install occurs, the 'postinst' script does a chmod to put the permissions on these directories back to r-xr-xr-x. I took this step because Bhaskar had requested that the package be extractable without root privileges.

You mentioned that I should not rely on the user ID of any user. I was concerned about that too, which is why I placed the two following commands at the end of the postinst script:

chown -R --from=0:2 root:$owner "$version"
chown -R --from=2:2 $owner:$owner "$version"

On my system, the value of '2' is assigned to user bin and the value of '0' is assigned to root. (I suspect root is always assigned the value of zero, but just in case... :) This way, I ensure that the ownership is correct, regardless of the value assigned by a particular system.

Regarding 'svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk/packages/gtm/trunk' and the GT.M scripts that I referenced, I wasn't trying to get into too much detail about them right now. (I wouldn't mind doing it, but I didn't want to muddy the waters.) I was just wondering whether everyone was okay with the idea of using update-alternatives to link the Fidelity supplied script of '/usr/lib/fis-gtm/V5.4-000A_x86/gtm' to the name 'gtm-su' (instead of simply 'gtm'). My thought is that since the Fidelity supplied script named 'gtm' uses a database that is in the user's home directory, it's more similar to a single-user version of GT.M (i.e., if the system is setup so different users cannot access each others home directory, then effectively GT.M becomes single user). So I thought it might be good to rename that script, so to speak, as "gtm-su" (single user) and then later publish a script called "gtm" that allows users to enter a specific GT.M environment that is accessible to multiple users.

I definitely agree that it's tough with just the postinst script. I'd be happy to share more, but I need some help on that front. Specifically, I'm wondering what is the preferred method for sharing the other details. I'm thinking -- perhaps incorrectly -- that it would not be the best approach to upload the whole package to the Debian Med list. (Sorry, I have to admit that I've not used list serves much in the past.) If you could give me an idea on the best way to share the details of the package, it would be great. :)

Thanks much for your thoughtful response. I look forward to hearing from you again soon.


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