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Location for VistA common environment on Debian

Background to the Question

When VistA is packaged and distributed, the package itself would be installed on the system, in some location, say /abc/def. There may be clinics PQR and XYZ that each want to run their own instances of VistA. They will generally share the standard or common routines in /abc/def, but may have their own custom routines. Each of PQR and XYZ may itself have multiple environments, such as development, test and production. Conceptually, it looks like this (fixed width font suggested for viewing)

+- Clinic PQR
|  |
|  +- Production
|  |
|  +- Test
|  |
|  +- Development
+- Clinic XYZ
   +- Production
   +- Test
   +- Development

The GT.M search path environment variable $gtmroutines for Clinic XYZ Production will be set up to look for routines in the Clinic XYZ Production environment first and then in the common VistA environment. Similarly, $gtmroutines for Clinic XYZ Test would be set up to look first in Clinic XYZ Test, then Clinic XYZ Production and then the common VistA.

Although there may be some shared data - for example, Clinic XYZ Test may simply use the drug file in Clinic XYZ Production - each environment would have its own database.

The Question

Where should the common VistA environment (/abc/def in the discussion above) be? Looking at the Filename Hierarchy Standard (http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html) it appears that it could go in:

/usr/lib/VistA (/usr/lib is for programming and packages)
/usr/local/VistA (/usr/local is for locally installed software)
/opt/VistA (/opt is for add on application packages)

Thank you, very much, in advance.

-- Bhaskar

GT.M - Rock solid. Lightning fast. Secure. No compromises.


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