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Re: GDCM2 : An Open Source DICOM library

On Sun, 2 Mar 2008, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

Here is the list of supported packages file formats:


Well, reading this page I think we might draw something from the
CPack stuff that might be helpful to build a real Debian package.

Let me know if you have any further questions,

Well, the best way to speed up moving some software to Debian
is always to work on proper Debian packaging as it is described at


(perhaps especially the New Maintainers Guide might be most helpful
for the moment).

You can get any help for detailed questions either at this list
(because your package is medicine related and our goal is to support
this as good as possible) or on debian-mentors mailing list which
has the general goal to support newcomers.

Unfortunately we have not the men power to be able to tackle every
interesting project immediately and thus we greatly welcome and
try to support as best if upstream developers work on the packaging
stuff themselves which finally is not that hard at all.  Some
package examples might be helpful as well.  You can easily have
a view onto other package sources if you try

     apt-get source [other_package_name]

and if you take a package that seems to be technically similar
you have quite a good example for your own work if you are
looking into the debian directory that is unpacked in the
package source directory.

Kind regards and thanks for your interest



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