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Re: [Debian-med-packaging] ClustalW2 2.0.1

Le Mon, Feb 18, 2008 at 08:59:31AM +0900, Charles Plessy a écrit :
> Steffen, there is a major problem with Clustal X: it links to Qt, which
> is GPL unless one has a commercial license. Therefore, we are not
> allowed to compile Clustal X in Debian. I contacted upstream, and they
> are actively looking for a solution.

Dear all,

upstream will relicence Clustal X, but they say it may take a few
monthes. Therefore I propose: 

 - To upload a new package: non-free/clustalx at version 1.83, which
   would be same as the current clustalw source pacakge from main,
   except that it would only build the clustalx package (plus possible
   minor changes such as DM-Upload: yes).

 - Once it is accepted, distribute the new versions of clustalw that are
   already ready now. (Doing the other way round would let the clustalx
   binary package orphan for some time).

As we already have a nice clustalx package in our SVN for
versions > 2.0, we have to find out how to cleanly prepare the transient
version 1.83 package.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Wakō, Saitama, Japan

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