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Re: [OLPC library] [Re] 'OLPC-Health' takes off !!

ps. MUMPS or M is what makes VistA so resource efficient....it also is the platform for Epic, McKesson and several other major healthcare software applications...it is also used in the financial industry in high performance transaction processing environments such as ING Bank.
MUMPS underlies the commercial closed source software which has been in use in a grprportion of UK general medical practices over the last 20 years or so. It, EMIS, now holds the general medical practice records, whcih is to say essentially all orgnaised primary care records, for around 40% of the UK population.

We are not short of M expertise in the UK.
THe problem of VistA is that it is quite huge and the requirement of
MUMPS (I never heard of this except in connection with VistA and nobody
else seems to know it)

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