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Re: list of functions + GUI design

Pierre DELGOVE wrote:

Hello !
Just a few words to send you a copy of my thinking about the projet.
Just have a look at the oOo files joined.

I had a response from Andreas TILLE (DEbian Med), suggesting us to have a look at ASM and GNUMed (already done ;-))

No news from other people but they are americans so, maybe we would have some on monday or tuesday.

Looking forward to read your remarks and suggestions.


I also got the reply from Andreas. As you said, we have already looked at those projects, and then some. There's more to look at though, so I think we can spend another week or two surveying the current 'market'.

Projects we have looked at:

- GnuMed: There might be some parts which are useable, but overall it does not impress me that much. Some good ideas in the user interface though, eg. keep the number of popup dialogs to a minimum - preferrably zero. The interface itself is a mess though. - ASM: Fancy Java frontend for managing an animal shelter, seems quite useable. Backend is accessed through JDBC. GUI implemented using SWT (of Eclipse fame), makes for a 'native' look and snappy interface. First use of components involves quite a long delay, can be improved. System can publish to website, generate reports, etc. Maybe we can take some ideas from them for a Java-based frontend (as one of the possible frontends).
- FreeMed:
- FreeVet: Had a look at this a long time ago, will try to find the source again, I do not remember enough of it to know whether it contains useable parts and/or ideas.

[ also, I'm sorta busy at this moment (this week), just signed the contract for buying a farm here in Sweden, etc. ]

I'll have a look at those documents you sent tonight or tomorrow... Then, let's make a plan on what to do when, do it the 'professional' way so that any "journalist" who happens to pick up on the subject can not claim that 'free software does not offer a clear vision for the future' or such bollocks.

Another thing we can do at a later moment is get a notice in the local veterinary publication on the project (Here in Sweden that would be the 'Veterinär' magazine, something like that in France?), as I guess (know) that quite a few vets do not actively scour the internet. Before we do that, we should have a project up on either savannah or sourceforge.


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[ "Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur
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