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Veterinary management software

Hello everybody ! 

I tried to read all the stuff I could find about a free/GNU/GPL or open source 
software that could help managing a veterinary practice. The only one I could 
find is FreeVet, but the project seems to be over (in fact, it seems to have 
become a commercial project in South Africa).

Well, my aim is to build or develop a GPL/GNU application that runs on 
different platforms (Linux, windows why not ?).
As far as I could get some piece of information by the WWW, I think that a 
good way to achieve this goal could be to use a database basis (PostgreSQL 
or, more simple, SQLite) with a GUI made  with Tcl/Tk in order to make it 
easily portable on different platforms.
What do you think of these options ?
The fact is that I have not a programming experience and I need some advice in 
the choice of the elements/tools to achieve this project. SQLite seems to be 
powerful enough to store all data we need in a veterinary practice and it has 
by itself an a Tcl way to use SQL commands (if I understood well the docs).

It will be nice to read from you and have some piece of advice.


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