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Re: LinuDent Info for Debian-med and Brave Gnu World

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

> It feels intuitive to a doctor. In a sense. The apparent
> confusion probably stems from the fact that it is a system
> that evolved on the desktop of a single or a at most a few
> doctors over years.
OK - that's why I wrote *personal* opinion.  I'm no doctor ...

> >   2. med-dent *suggest* OdontoLinux! *or* LinuxDent
> >      would be fair to both, perhaps could give some recomendations in
> >      the docs, but would not prevent from installing both which is bad
> >      (see 1.)
> I like this.
> >   3. med-dent *suggest* OdontoLinux! *or* LinuxDent but does not allow
> >      the other one to be installed once the selection was done.
> This is even better. However, it should be possible to force
> installation of both.
Forcing is possible in any case but a

      dpkg --force-<anything>

is not the thing I would advise somebody to do.  It just requires some
answering of questions like:

     If you are really sure that you want to do that than type in
     the string: 'yeS I reaLly waNt To DO thIs anD I kNow what i aM doIng!'

If this is something what you understand as "force installation" and
if you accept that you will be bothered by stuipid questions any
time you install Debian packages because of broken dependencies than
it can be done.  Another solution would be to install it on a chrooted
system.  Both requires knowledge and is by no means for the end user.

Kind regards


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