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Re: ieee-data: are you interested in fixing a non-security related issue?

Hi Samuel,

On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 6:39 PM Samuel Henrique <samueloph@debian.org> wrote:
> I wasn't very clear in the pu request; the ieee-data package ships 2
> things; the data from ieee and a script to update that data. This
> issue fully breaks the script's functionality but the original data
> shipped still "works" fine (though outdated and now without an easy
> way to update it).
> [...]
> So I wouldn't say it's a critical issue, as the user can always
> manually update the data, but it might be worth it considering the
> cost/impact of fixing it (as the impact/blast radius is well
> contained) and there were at least 3 people interested on it (who
> interacted with the bug reports).

Thanks, that helps a lot in understanding the issue.

I'll leave this to Emilio to decide and if he acks, I can issue the
update & publish the DLA.

- u

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