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Having a test repository for (kernel?) updates


as we now all know the last LTS kernel upgrade badly broke systems on
VMware. I don't think this is completely avoidable, but maybe there are
things that could be improved.

As long as we have Jessie systems (and also for Stretch once it is in
LTS) we would be willing to run some staging systems and even parts of
the production systems on some sort of -proposed repository. If there
are more users doing that we could catch regressions earlier on.

I don't exactly know how this could be done technically, as the security
repository is the only one open for updates during LTS. In the worst
case it could be a seperate host with a seperate signing key, but of
course something similar to s-p-u would be preferred.

This would probably only be relevant to kernel and possibly things like
systemd, I would not want to have all updates sit in proposed for some
time. Also at the sole discretion of the maintainer, if a security fix
needs to get out it needs to get out.

What do you think?


Bernhard Schmidt                      Netzbetrieb / IPv6 / DNSSEC
Leibniz-Rechenzentrum               Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
Boltzmannstr. 1                      D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen
Tel: +49 89 35831-7885     E-Mail/Jabber: Bernhard.Schmidt@lrz.de

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