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Spamassassin 3.4.2 jessie upgrade ready for testing


As discussed with the SpamAssassin (SA) maintainer, we are following
upstream's advice of upgrading to the latest 3.4.2 release in jessie.

There's a stable update pending in stretch (#912198) which served as a
basis for this upload. I've kept to the strict minimal set of changes
but also included critical fixes (like #889501) and ensuring we run the
test suite during build (which passes, thankfully).

Other unrelated packaging changes were skipped to keep the change
minimal. Besides, many of the changes in buster and stretch just don't
apply at all in jessie.

As long as the update doesn't land in stretch, this should not be
updated in jessie either, as the version number proposed here
(3.4.2-0+deb8u1) is higher than the one currently in stretch. If the
update ends up being refused there, I'll reroll the upload here with a
different version number, but it seems to be on track so far.

Because SA upstream doesn't follow semantic versionning, the 3.4.0 to
3.4.2 upgrade is deceptively large:

 400 files changed, 18289 insertions(+), 13973 deletions(-)

About a third (~6000 lines?) of this are rules changes which trickle
down to jessie already through sa-update. There's also 8000 lines of
diff in the upstream changelog file we can ignore, which leaves us at a
more reasonable 4000 lines of diff, although that's still significant.

The one change which might break things in deployments is that spamc
dropped support for SSLv3. If spamd is updated first, this should not
cause any problems. The UPGRADE.gz file has all the details of the
upstream changes.

Test packages are available in the usual location, along with the



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