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Contact maintainers via bts [was Re: Debconf 2017 LTS BoF Summary]

On Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 07:11:16AM -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> Hi Guido & LTS/Security folks,
> Thanks very much for publishing this summary.  Since I was not able to
> participate in person I would like add a few thoughts.  See my comments
> below inline.
> On Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 12:17:36AM -0300, Guido Günther wrote:
> > 
> > * BTS is the canonical place for communication about the bug so the idea
> >   is to change bin/contact-maintainer to use the BTS this would avoid
> >   double communication from security and lts team (and maybe also avoid
> >   the maintainers from feeling pushed like we had in the past). Are
> >   there any objections?
> > 	
> I think this is an excellent idea.

Attached script when dropped into bin/ of the security-tracker uses the
bts instead of sending mails to the maintainers.

I have removed the non lts parts since the security team is not using
this stuff anyway and I've also removed the no-dsa handling since I
think we got exactly 0 positive replies about handling no-dsa in LTS
from maintainers.

The "downside" of using the bts instead of mailing the maintainers is
that we either need to post to several bugs or resort to only using the
most important one. Currently if several CVEs are given the additional
CVEs will be listed in the bugreport as well like:

| The following additional CVEs are open against this package:
| https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-9913
| https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-9913
| We intend to address them with the same upload.

But mail is only sent to one bug to not spam maintainers.

I'd appreciate any feedback. I've deliberately used a new script
so we can work on this one while keeping the current workflow alive.
As soon as this look halfway sane I'll commit it.

Invocation is e.g. like:

    bin/lts-bts qemu-kvm --skip-cache-update CVE-2017-9374

 -- Guido
# Similar to contact-maintainers ask for help in fixing the bug in
# the LTS release but use the BTS instead of plain mail

import argparse
import os
import pwd
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import warnings

from tracker_data import TrackerData, RELEASES

from jinja2 import Template

tmpl="""Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
To: {{ to }}
Cc: {{ cc }}
Subject: Fixing {{ cve }} in {{ package }} in {{ dist }}?

control: found -1 {{ found }}

Dear maintainer(s),

The Debian LTS team would like to fix this security issues
in the {{ dist }} version of {{ package }}.

Would you like to take care of this yourself?

If yes, please follow the workflow we have defined here:

If that workflow is a burden to you, feel free to just prepare an
updated source package and send it to debian-lts@lists.debian.org
(via a debdiff, or with an URL pointing to the source package,
or even with a pointer to your packaging repository), and the members
of the LTS team will take care of the rest. Indicate clearly whether you
have tested the updated package or not.

If you don't want to take care of this update, it's not a problem, we
will do our best with your package. Just let us know whether you would
like to review and/or test the updated package before it gets released.

You can also opt-out from receiving future similar emails in your
answer and then the LTS Team will take care of {{ package }} updates
for the LTS releases.
{% if add_cves %}
The following additional CVEs are open against this package:

{% for entry in add_cves -%}
https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/{{ entry }}
{% endfor %}
We intend to address them with the same upload.
{% endif %}
Thank you very much.

{{ sender }},
  on behalf of the Debian LTS team.

PS: A member of the LTS team might start working on this update at
any point in time. You can verify whether someone is registered
on this update in this file:

def get_full_name():
    full_name = os.getenv('DEBFULLNAME')
    if full_name:
        return full_name
    return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_gecos.split(',')[0]

def find_issue(tracker, pkg, cve):
    for issue in tracker.iterate_pkg_issues(pkg):
        if issue.name == cve.upper():
            return issue
        raise ValueError("%s is not an issue of %s" % (cve, pkg))

def find_version(release, issue):
    for repo in [release + ext for ext in ('-security', '')]:
        if repo in issue.data['releases'][release]['repositories']:
            return issue.data['releases'][release]['repositories'][repo]

def main():
    # Parse command line
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Get in touch with package maintainers via bts')
    parser.add_argument('--force', action='store_true',
                        help='Ignore safety checks')
    parser.add_argument('--mailer', action='store', default='mutt -H {}',
                        help='Command executed. Must contain {} to be replaced '
                        'by the filename of the draft contact mail')
    parser.add_argument('--skip-cache-update', action='store_true',
                    help='Skip updating the tracker data cache')
    parser.add_argument('cve', nargs='*')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    cc = 'debian-lts@lists.debian.org'
    team = 'lts'
    release = RELEASES['lts']

    # Basic check
    instructions = "packages/{}.txt".format(args.package)
    if os.path.exists(instructions) and not args.force:
        print("Have a look at {}".format(instructions))
        print("If you still want to run this script, run it with --force.")
        return 1

    # Check if we should contact maintainers
    dontcall = "data/packages/lts-do-not-call"
    if not args.force:
        with open(dontcall) as f:
            for line in f:
                if line[0] == '#':
                if not line.strip():
                if line.split()[0] == args.package:
                    print("Maintainer(s) may not be contacted for LTS issues.")
                    print("Please have a look at {}".format(line.split()[1]))
                    print("If you still want to run this script, run it with --force.")
                    return 1

    tracker = TrackerData(update_cache=not args.skip_cache_update)
        issue = find_issue(tracker, args.package, args.cve[0])
    except ValueError as e:
        print(e, file=sys.stderr)
        return 1
    if 'debianbug' in issue.data:
        bugnum = issue.data['debianbug']
        print("No Debian bug filed for {} against '{}' yet, "
              "please do so first e.g. using bin/report-vuln.".format(
                  args.cve[0], args.package), file=sys.stderr)
        return 2

    found = "{}/{}".format(args.package, find_version(release, issue))
    if not found:
        print("Failed to determin version of {} in {}".format(args.package, release))

    # Generate the context
    context = {
        'package': args.package,
        'sender': get_full_name(),
        'cve': args.cve[0],
        'add_cves': args.cve[1:],
        'dist': release.capitalize(),
        'to': '{}@bugs.debian.org'.format(bugnum),
        'found': found,
        'cc': cc,

    template = Template(tmpl)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='contact-maintainers', suffix='.txt') as draft:
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':

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