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Re: Any ideas on whether or not a Wheezy LTS will happen or not


On Sun, 12 Apr 2015, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> > So my current answer to the question about Wheezy or Jessie LTS is: "I have no
> > idea, but given Squeeze's LTS success, I think it's very likely we'll have
> > Wheezy + Jessie LTS. Please support Squeeze LTS and/or express your
> > appreciation / usage to make it happen."
> I think skipping Wheezy and providing Jessie LTS would give users
> almost the same support coverage but with less effort. How about
> deciding on Jessie LTS first and if there is still demand for Wheezy
> LTS considering it later?
> Is there any clear indication of what our (potential) LTS users
> (funders) prefer?

I don't really see what this brings us. Supporting every release for 5
years while releasing a new stable every 2 years means that the security
team handles each release 3 years and the LTS team handles each release
for 2 years.

In other words, as soon a we drop squeeze support, we have time to support
wheezy, and when wheezy's support ends, we have time to support Jessie.

Also when I contacted sponsors I always explained that I don't want a big
lump of money only once, I want a sustainable/recurring funding that they
can renew year after year.

I have no clear data from sponsors between wheezy/jessie but what is sure
though is that for many squeeze LTS was announced too late and some
potential sponsors did not help because they did not care about squeeze.
Invariably we will find people interested in keeping their currenst stable
deployements for longer... but once they upgraded, it's too late.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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