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Share your feedback on mails for maintainers


yesterday I implemented a small helper script to help contact the
maintainers of packages who have open security issues in Squeeze.
It's the securitry tracker repository and works like this:

bin/contact-maintainers --lts [--no-dsa] <pkg> [<cve...>]

When you use the --no-dsa flag it will send a mail like
this one where we explain that we won't take care of the
update but we offer the maintainer an opportunity to take
care of it himself:

Without the --no-dsa flag it will send a mail like this
one where we explain that we have planned an updated,
that help is welcome but that someone from the LTS team
might start working on it at any point of time:

I would welcome comments/reviews/ack on those basic
mail templates (they are in templates/lts-*.txt in the

One improvement that I would like to do is to move the
discussion to the associated bug reports when we do
have such open bug reports. This is waiting some easy way
to extract this information (#761859 for example).


PS: The script assumes that you use mutt but you can
customize the command excecuted with --mailer='cat {}'
for example...

PPS: Without the --lts flag it will try to use other
(non-existing) templates that the security team could use
if they wish.
Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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