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Re: Copy filesystem.squashfs (only) to ram

Hello Roland,

Dne 18. 02. 24 v 16:35 Roland Clobus napsal(a):
I get it. But it eludes me how you do so. I guess that I don't understand why you need 'toram'.

A regular live iso image is typically transferred to some other medium (USB pen, DVD/CDROM). In such case, there is no need to wipe the boot medium while being booted from the live environment, because you can wipe the USB pen instead of filling it with the live system.

How do you prepare the computer that needs to erased?

I was answering the question posed here, where the questioner wanted to achieve this.

But I use toram routinely for booting router images. The system loads and then doesn't touch the boot disk at all. And if there happens to be a power failure, I can be pretty sure it won't leave my filesystem in an inconsistent state.

In addition, every now and then I use a USB flash drive that I have with me in my pocket to boot a working Debian, which I can then remotely connect to even if I leave with the flash drive in my pocket again.


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