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Re: Copy filesystem.squashfs (only) to ram

Dne 18. 02. 24 v 11:04 Roland Clobus napsal(a):

Why do you need to have filesystem.squashfs in RAM? If you boot from a USB or DVD/CD-ROM medium, the filesystem.squashfs resides there, and there is no need to have a copy in RAM.
After the live system has been booted, you can wipe all disks as you want.

Sorry, but that's not true.

When debian live boots, filesystem.squashfs (and possibly other .squashfs images) are mounted into loop devices and then an overlay filesystem is created from them. But the squashfs images still have to be accessible somewhere.

So if they are loaded into RAM beforehand, the whole system can work even if the boot device is disconnected. If debian live boots from a particular disk, you can't format that disk without toram, for example, because you would lose the filesystem.squashfs (and possibly others) from which the underlying loop devices are created.


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