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Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.

1) As just pointed out in a separate reply, you're using --linux-flavours wrong.

Firstly, you need to quote the space separated values:

--linux-flavours "686 amd64"

Secondly, if you're using version 20191219 or newer, then you need to add an architecture specifier to the latter, i.e.:

--linux-flavours "686 amd64:amd64"

2) You do not need to hack things as you are to add the second architecture. All you need to do is add packages with an arch specifier to your config package lists.

i.e. if you add say 'firefox:amd64' to a package list when your primary architecture is i386, then live-build will notice this and do `dpkg --add-architecture amd64` for you.

3) I see nothing in your process that suggests a need for anything to be done after running `lb build`. I mean everything you're doing after it should be accomplishable with package lists and --linux-flavours.

4) You don't need to specify --mode debian, it's the default and is part of a hack mechanism which is to be removed in future.

On Tue, 2020-04-21 at 06:36 +0500, Pak OS wrote:
ok here is my full script , here goes:
Please consider, i am not very skilled in Live Build, and my work is based on eznix, a great open source enthusiast, his full work is available at  Sourceforge at https://sourceforge.net/projects/eznixos/



# bldPakOS10.3 -- Revision: 103r1 -- by SubhaniMinhas (https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/)

# (GNU/General Public License version 3.0)


# Step by Step Live-Build



# ~/PakOS10.3 -- build folder

# ~/PakOS103 -- files location



# Phase 1: - Assign WKDIR variable the output of pwd





# Phase 2: - Create the build staging folder


rm -r PakOS10.3

mkdir PakOS10.3


cd PakOS10.3



# Phase 3: - Set up build environment


lb config --binary-images iso-hybrid --mode debian --architectures i386 --linux-flavours 686 amd64 --distribution buster --archive-areas "main contrib non-free" --updates true --security true --cache true --apt-recommends true --debian-installer live --debian-installer-gui true --win32-loader true --iso-application PakOS10.3 --iso-preparer subhaniminhas-https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/ --iso-publisher subhaniminhas-https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/ --iso-volume PakOS10.3



# Phase 4: - Install desktop and applications


echo lxqt-core featherpad lximage-qt lxqt-admin lxqt-branding-debian lxqt-openssh-askpass lxqt-powermanagement lxqt-sudo pavucontrol-qt qlipper qps xfce4-terminal lightdm engrampa xfwm4 audacious nm-tray feathernotes gucharmap meteo-qt qpdfview screengrab smplayer thunderbird > $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/package-lists/desktop.list.chroot


echo aqemu haveged less orage gdebi galculator grsync psensor synaptic gparted bleachbit flac faad faac mjpegtools x265 x264 mpg321 ffmpeg streamripper sox mencoder dvdauthor twolame lame asunder aisleriot gnome-mahjongg gnome-chess dosbox filezilla libxvidcore4 vlc soundconverter hplip-gui cdrdao frei0r-plugins htop jfsutils xfsprogs ntfs-3g cdtool mtools gthumb gimp testdisk numix-gtk-theme greybird-gtk-theme breeze-icon-theme breeze-gtk-theme xorriso cdrskin p7zip-full p7zip-rar keepassx hardinfo inxi gnome-disk-utility simplescreenrecorder thunderbird simple-scan remmina arc-theme gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gnome-system-tools dos2unix dialog papirus-icon-theme faenza-icon-theme liferea transmission-gtk handbrake handbrake-cli audacity python-glade2 rar unrar ssh cifs-utils fuse gvfs-fuse gvfs-backends gvfs-bin pciutils squashfs-tools syslinux syslinux-common dosfstools isolinux live-build fakeroot linux-headers-686 lsb-release menu build-essential dkms curl wget iftop apt-transport-https dirmngr openvpn network-manager-openvpn openvpn-systemd-resolved libqt5opengl5 zulumount-gui zulucrypt-gui zulupolkit neofetch xscreensaver ufw gufw firmware-linux firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-amd-graphics firmware-misc-nonfree > $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/package-lists/packages.list.chroot

# Phase 5: - Make folders in the chroot


mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/PakOS10.3

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/images/desktop-base

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/icons/default

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/local/bin

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/applications

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/hooks/normal

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/doc/PakOS10.3

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/etc/skel/Desktop


# Uncomment below line for calamares installer

mkdir -p $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/etc/calamares/branding



# Phase 6: - Copy files into the chroot


cp -r $WKDIR/PakOS103 $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/PakOS10.3/PakOS103

cp -r $WKDIR/PakOS103/bootloaders $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/bootloaders

cp -r $WKDIR/PakOS103/lxqt $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/etc/skel/

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/hooks/* $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/hooks/normal/

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/scripts/* $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/local/bin/

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/doc/* $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/doc/PakOS10.3/

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/backgrounds/* $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/images/desktop-base/

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/icons/* $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/icons/default/

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/launchers/ezadmin.desktop $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/applications/

ln -s /usr/share/doc/PakOS10.3 $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/etc/skel/Desktop/


# Uncomment below three lines for calamares installer

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/calamares/settings.conf $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/etc/calamares/settings.conf

cp $WKDIR/PakOS103/calamares/usr/share/applications/install-debian.desktop $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/usr/share/applications/install-debian.desktop

cp -r $WKDIR/PakOS103/calamares/branding/PakOS $WKDIR/PakOS10.3/config/includes.chroot/etc/calamares/branding/PakOS


# Phase 7: - Start the build process


lb build 2>&1 | tee buildPakOS10.3.log


Now, i have built my ISO, i chroot into it using code which is part of PakOSHub.sh, part of PakOS, you can find it in sbin folder of PakOS, it is a great jumble of code, very poorly documented.

Once i am in chroot, in PakOS built ISO, i run these commands:

apt-get install --no-install-recommends lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings xinput redshift redshift-gtk geoclue-2.0 xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod fonts-nafees fbreader gnome-games ufw gufw gnome-software clamav clamav-daemon clamtk usbguard usbguard-applet-qt firejail firetools plymouth plymouth-themes gnome-maps zenity yad gnome-multi-writer netselect-apt network-manager nm-tray efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common grub-efi-amd64-signed efibootmgr grub-efi-amd64 grub-efi-amd64-bin grub2-common grub-customizer network-manager-gnome

then i install the 64 bit stuff there:

dpkg --add-architecture amd64

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends arch-test apt-utils linux-image-amd64 dkms build-essential linux-headers-amd64 apparmor:amd64 linux-doc-4.19:amd64 debian-kernel-handbook:amd64 apparmor-profiles-extra:amd64 apparmor-utils:amd64 glibc-doc:amd64 locales:amd64 grub-pc:amd64 grub-efi-amd64:amd64 extlinux:amd64

As you can see, the process is not fully automated: If you can achieve full automation, i will be grateful.

I will try to upload whole build folder (Pretty large) soon:, till then, hope this helps.

I am availiable for any help.

On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 05:12, Pak OS <gsm.pakos@gmail.com> wrote:
Sir, seeing your results, I will try to upload my method on sourceforge.net soon, but full build folders are large. And my upload speed is just 100k. 
I will try to so in a next few days. 

On Tue, Apr 21, 2020, 5:07 AM Michael . <keltoiboy@gmail.com> wrote:
Sometimes I'm an idiot and I forget to "reply to all". Thank you to
dbgr for pointing out my error to me. So please find below what I have
tried and what the outcomes were.

I just tried Subhani's tip and it failed with
E: Error reading the CPU table
P: Begin unmounting filesystems...
P: Saving caches...
E: Error reading the CPU table

I suspected, as I have said in previous threads, that we will need  to
build 2 different systems and then merge them into 1 iso with menu
providing the options of which system to load. I'd like a copy of the
complete configuration for PakOS to see if it works on my system
before I suggest there are other things that need doing.

And then

In the previous build I followed Subhani's suggestion and then checked
the chroot file in the config folder. I had to manually edit it after
the lb config command and then run lb build to which I got the failure
mentioned in my previous reply.

I have just done an lb clean --all and removed my cache folder to
force a completely new build. lb config and then lb build to get it
running. Checked the chroot file in the config folder and only 686-pae
is listed in the chroot file. lb config is only passing one option to
the chroot file not both 32 and64 bit options. First test failed with
the result as mentioned in my previous reply, 2nd test failed with lb
config only passing 1 linux-flavor option rather than the 2 as
suggested by Subhani.

Anyone else trying this and finding anything different to my findings?

On 17/04/2020, dbgr <dbgr@systemli.org> wrote:
> Hello everybody.
> Thank you very much for your tips, recommendations, attention and time.
> In the next days I will try to look into everything you recommended me
> in this thread and test the different possibilities. Then I will try to
> write about my experience and send here.
> If anyone knows about any other options, tools, hacks, etc. that are
> pertinent to this discussion, please, share it with us :)
> On 2020-04-16 18:59, Pak OS wrote:
>> I intend to do it on source forge. Till then I am available here for
>> any queries.
>> gSM
>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 23:55 Michael . <keltoiboy@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you Subhani
>>> I will try this out today and see what happens.
>>> May I suggest you create a github page for PakOS and put all the
>>> materials, e.g. configs etc, that you want to share in there.
>>> Regards.
>>> Michael.
>>> On 17/04/2020, Pak OS <gsm.pakos@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I have installed PakOS on offline systems and it works. For
>>> Calamares, it
>>>> failed so I had to install some packages later on, using chroot to
>>> enter
>>>> ISO. This made the calamares installer useable. There are a lot of
>>>> iterations, which I try to document. Since I am one person trying
>>> to
>>>> maintain this ISO, so I can't do a lot of testing on diverse
>>> hardware.
>>>> Recently I tested PakOS on an HP laptop, and all installers failed
>>> to
>>>> install on blank hard disk. But once a portion was present, it
>>> installed
>>>> correctly.
>>>> So it's a journey. I would request anyone interested in joining me
>>> in any
>>>> capacity. I am ready to share all code, what so ever humble work I
>>> have
>>>> done.
>>>> Thanks for your interest.
>>>> gSM
>>>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 20:04 adrian15sgd <adrian15sgd@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>> Nice.
>>>>> Finally does it installer fetch the packages from the same iso or
>>> does
>>>>> the
>>>>> installer need an internet connection to work (e.g. fetches the
>>> packages
>>>>> from the internet) ?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> El 16/4/20 a las 17:01, Pak OS escribió:
>>>>> it installs on both. And automatically selects kernal based on
>>> underlying
>>>>> architecture.
>>>>> gSM
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 19:59 adrian15sgd <adrian15sgd@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>> With such a setup Can you install a 64-bit Debian? Or is it only
>>> useful
>>>>>> for installing 32-bit Debian?
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> El 16/4/20 a las 14:46, Pak OS escribió:
>>>>>> Ok, here goes:
>>>>>> lb config --binary-images iso-hybrid --mode debian
>>> --architectures i386
>>>>>> --linux-flavours 686 amd64 --distribution buster --archive-areas
>>> "main
>>>>>> contrib non-free" --updates true --security true --cache true
>>>>>> --apt-recommends true --debian-installer live
>>> --debian-installer-gui
>>>>>> true
>>>>>> --win32-loader true --iso-application PakOS10.3 --iso-preparer
>>>>>> subhaniminhas-https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/
>>> --iso-publisher
>>>>>> subhaniminhas-https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/
>>> --iso-volume
>>>>>> PakOS10.3
>>>>>> Hope this helps
>>>>>> PakOS on Debian Derivatives List (
>>>>>> https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/PakOS)
>>>>>> PakOS on LWN as only Pakistan Based Linux Distro (
>>>>>> https://static.lwn.net/Distributions/#pakistan)
>>>>>> Please vote for PakOS on DistroWatch waiting list at
>>>>>> (https://distrowatch.com/dwres-mobile.php?resource=links)
>>>>>> On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 16:49, Pak OS <gsm.pakos@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I will be honored. If you need, I can share the whole project
>>> you need
>>>>>>> on SourceForge. Its actually just 1 switch in lb config. Since
>>> I am
>>>>>>> typing
>>>>>>> on my mobile. So can't access my laptop right now. The clue was
>>> given
>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> this very forum.
>>>>>>> In case you need any specific functionality in PakOS, please
>>> let me
>>>>>>> know.
>>>>>>> If you like the work I have done and can benefit from it,
>>> please click
>>>>>>> on the Distrowatch Waiting list Recommend Button against PakOS.
>>> I need
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> lot of votes to be part of Distro watch list of Distros.
>>>>>>> gSM
>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020, 08:37 Michael . <keltoiboy@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Subhani
>>>>>>>> I just had a look at Pak OS, nice project, and I have 1
>>> question for
>>>>>>>> you that may help many others who use live build. How did you
>>> create
>>>>>>>> an iso image with both 32 and 64 bit architectures using live
>>> build?
>>>>>>>> If you would share your knowledge with teh live community I am
>>> sure
>>>>>>>> many would be extremely grateful.
>>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>>> Michael.
>>>>>>>> On 16/04/2020, Pak OS <gsm.pakos@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am maintaining a multi Arch live image with Calamares
>>> Installer
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> debian installer at source forge.
>>>>>>>>> Please search for PakOS on Google, it should be 1st result.
>>> Go to my
>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>>> forge page. It's a large one. 3.3 GB. A lot of software.
>>>>>>>>> Pl see if it suits you. I am available for any help.
>>>>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/files/Main/
>>>>>>>>> gSM
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> gSm
>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/pakos/
>>>>>> https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=links#new
>>>>>> https://lwn.net/Distributions/#pakistan
>>>>>> https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/PakOS

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