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No Issues on Salsa? Missing reference to mailing list?

Hello live image creators,

I've tried to report/open an issue in Salsa, but as far as I can see
it's not possible to create an issue against the live-manual?

The team page does have the possibility to register issues:
https://salsa.debian.org/groups/live-team/-/issues , but one is forced
to "Select [a] project to create [an] issue" but there are no projects
in the drop down.

The main page of the team: https://salsa.debian.org/live-team lists
projects but the projects them selves
https://salsa.debian.org/live-team/live-manual do not seem to have an
"issues" link.

And it's not clear from the documentation where to report bugs about the
manual. To the BTS? To Salsa?

So I am confused.

Also apart from the fact that the manual is still referring to Alioth,
that is dead, it also mentions "the mailing list"
but AFAICS, it doesn't say where that mailing list actually is?

One more thing if I may - I've opened a pull request against
https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/merge_requests/184 to
improve (hopefully) the live image web page:
https://www.debian.org/CD/live/ , but I notice that the page "belongs"
to the debian-cd team. Is that accurate? Shouldn't it "belong" to the
debian-live team?

I'm sorry to be reporting so many little issues and not contributing the
same number of fixes. To many bugs, not enough time :-/

Thanks & greets,

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