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Re: Stretch release testing - up to and including Saturday 17th June

Nick wrote:
>I have recently acquired a 4k monitor (£280!) and a graphics card to drive it, 
>and Dolphin in testing is broken in the manner described at
>	https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363548#c7
>A patch has been committed as described in
>	https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363548#c18
>It would be great if this patch could be applied. Much as I love KDE, it is a 
>bit of a beast, and I'm not entirely sure which package to report it against. 
>The bug clearly impacts upon Dolphin, but the patch is to kio...

Looks like it needs a bug against kio, then...

>In any case, it would be a great idea to fix this. Even though I'm a command-
>line kind of guy, one of the first things I did was to open Dolphin and see if 
>I could look at some photos, which of course caused it to freeze. It turns out 
>you can still use the cursor and return keys to open files in Dolphin; it's 
>just the mouse click handling which is broken. But it looked a lot like it had 
>just crashed until I'd spent an hour or so looking into it. Not the best user 
>experience :)
>I understand this isn't really a debian-live thing, rather a KDE thing. But 
>people will complain, I expect. Any advice?

"reportbug kio" is probably the best thing to do. Describe what you've
seen, with a link to the upstream bug report. Right now, I'd say this
fix has little to no chance of making the first stretch release but it
sounds like a good candidate for the first point release at least.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
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