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Re: Basic iso-hybrid image for jessie/amd64 fails with kernel panic

Strange, but looks more likelly a bug in my qemu virtualizer. I have the same erros if I boot the default debian jessie image: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/d21192fe/.

I'll try to burn some ISOs in CDROM to verify on real hardware if the error is only on qemu (the same bug on Qemu on different three installations of Jessie happened, tought).


2015-10-13 22:18 GMT-03:00 Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira <ronoaldo@gmail.com>:

A follow up. I attempted again to build the image following the basic tutorial from the manual, but I consistently have the same result: the image does not boot.

I was able to dig further in the error I am having, because I was able to get into an (initramfs) prompt when the boot fails to find /sbin/init. 

If I unpack the initramfs.img file that live-build produces, then extract with cpio, I can see that the reported missing function from my previous messages (/init: Live: not found), is defined in the /lib/live/boot/9990-main.sh script. In the extracted folder from (cpio -id), the file has the right contents.

The problem is, when the live image boots, all scripts in that folder seems to be zeroed. When the boot fails to find /init (because mountroot fails), I get into an (initramfs) prompt. If I ls -l the file, it says it has the correct number of bytes. However, if I open the file with vi, I only see ^@ signs (i.e., the file is full of zeroes). If I cat the file, it displays no output.

So, the far i got was, /init fails because /bin/live-boot sources files from /lib/live/boot/*, and those files are zeroed, hence, the functions defined in those files does not get loaded, and the mountroot initramfs hook fails, making /init (inside initramfs) unable to find /sbin/init to boot the live system.

Any ideas on why this happened, or how can I fix it? Seems like a strange bug loading the initramfs image, but only when the live system boots; if I unpack the initramfs.img image, its contents seems ok.

One strange think I found is that, the scripts are correct inside /bin/boot/* (i.e., /bin/boot/9990-main.sh is correct, viewed from the initramfs boot prompt). Is there any reason why those scripts are both in /bin/boot and /lib/live/boot/* inside the initramfs?


2015-10-05 22:05 GMT-03:00 Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira <ronoaldo@gmail.com>:
So, I was able to get a more detailed description on what seems wrong with my images, but I have no clues on how to fix it.

I found that I cound use "-serial stdio" parameter to qemu to get the full boot output on the console, and I appended the "console=ttyS0" parameter to the boot screen on the qemu window.

In my custom build image, I got this error this time: https://paste.debian.net/314571
With a build of lb clean && sudo lb build (basic system image, as described in the docs), I got this error: https://paste.debian.net/314573

The output seems to be related to errors mounting the root live file system, hence it does not seems to be able to run the expected /sbin/init from systemd.

These images were built using the live-build package from jessie (4.0.3-1).

Any clues on what I did wrong?

Best regards,

2015-10-05 20:33 GMT-03:00 Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira <ronoaldo@gmail.com>:
Hi Diederik, it was a typo, sorry.

2015-10-05 17:56 GMT-03:00 Diederik de Haas <didi.debian@cknow.org>:
On Monday 05 October 2015 17:15:21 Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira wrote:
> My custom images were failing with an error executing /init, complaining
> about a missing /etc/ini.d/rcS file.

Is that a typo or did it say a missing /etc/init.d/rcS (note the *init.d*

Ronoaldo Pereira

Ronoaldo Pereira

Ronoaldo Pereira

Ronoaldo Pereira

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