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Re: Basic iso-hybrid image for jessie/amd64 fails with kernel panic


A follow up. I attempted again to build the image following the basic tutorial from the manual, but I consistently have the same result: the image does not boot.

I was able to dig further in the error I am having, because I was able to get into an (initramfs) prompt when the boot fails to find /sbin/init. 

If I unpack the initramfs.img file that live-build produces, then extract with cpio, I can see that the reported missing function from my previous messages (/init: Live: not found), is defined in the /lib/live/boot/9990-main.sh script. In the extracted folder from (cpio -id), the file has the right contents.

The problem is, when the live image boots, all scripts in that folder seems to be zeroed. When the boot fails to find /init (because mountroot fails), I get into an (initramfs) prompt. If I ls -l the file, it says it has the correct number of bytes. However, if I open the file with vi, I only see ^@ signs (i.e., the file is full of zeroes). If I cat the file, it displays no output.

So, the far i got was, /init fails because /bin/live-boot sources files from /lib/live/boot/*, and those files are zeroed, hence, the functions defined in those files does not get loaded, and the mountroot initramfs hook fails, making /init (inside initramfs) unable to find /sbin/init to boot the live system.

Any ideas on why this happened, or how can I fix it? Seems like a strange bug loading the initramfs image, but only when the live system boots; if I unpack the initramfs.img image, its contents seems ok.

One strange think I found is that, the scripts are correct inside /bin/boot/* (i.e., /bin/boot/9990-main.sh is correct, viewed from the initramfs boot prompt). Is there any reason why those scripts are both in /bin/boot and /lib/live/boot/* inside the initramfs?


2015-10-05 22:05 GMT-03:00 Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira <ronoaldo@gmail.com>:
So, I was able to get a more detailed description on what seems wrong with my images, but I have no clues on how to fix it.

I found that I cound use "-serial stdio" parameter to qemu to get the full boot output on the console, and I appended the "console=ttyS0" parameter to the boot screen on the qemu window.

In my custom build image, I got this error this time: https://paste.debian.net/314571
With a build of lb clean && sudo lb build (basic system image, as described in the docs), I got this error: https://paste.debian.net/314573

The output seems to be related to errors mounting the root live file system, hence it does not seems to be able to run the expected /sbin/init from systemd.

These images were built using the live-build package from jessie (4.0.3-1).

Any clues on what I did wrong?

Best regards,

2015-10-05 20:33 GMT-03:00 Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira <ronoaldo@gmail.com>:
Hi Diederik, it was a typo, sorry.

2015-10-05 17:56 GMT-03:00 Diederik de Haas <didi.debian@cknow.org>:
On Monday 05 October 2015 17:15:21 Ronoaldo José de Lana Pereira wrote:
> My custom images were failing with an error executing /init, complaining
> about a missing /etc/ini.d/rcS file.

Is that a typo or did it say a missing /etc/init.d/rcS (note the *init.d*

Ronoaldo Pereira

Ronoaldo Pereira

Ronoaldo Pereira

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