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Common bootloaders configuration thoughts

(This applies to Debian Stable's Debian Live)

1) While editing:


for adding cpu detection support and loopback cfg support I have noticed several things:

* Syslinux has a nice SVG template for background.
* Grub2 has not a background by default
* Grub2 entries are hardcoded like: "live, kernel ..."
* Syslinux entries are hardcoded like: "Live (..."

2) I already know that you can setup a bootloaders directory to overwrite default bootloaders files with your owns. I use that myself in Rescatux.

3) So I have several requests according to it so that we can discuss what's the better way for implementing it (This time I won't probably implement it myself).

* There should be a variable (Maybe the already present _PROJECT variable in binary_syslinux but that it's already hardcoded) for being able to replace "live" in boot entries. That way Debian derivatives can customize their entries without having to replicate bootloaders directories at config directory.

* There should be a common image (svg.in currently used in binary_syslinux is ok for me) so that each one of the available bootloaders can use a common function for replacing its variables and converting it into svg and then into another kind of image (i.e. bmp).

* Syslinux and Grub2 should have the same entries description. What I mean is that maybe that "live,kernel ..." or "Live (..." string should be defined in a common bootloader configuration instead of on the current binary_bootloader file. As I said before "Live" would a variable.

* An easy way of describing Linux flavours boot order (I don't need it personally) * An easy way of describing default Linux flavour (I don't need it personally)
* An easy way of describing default timeout at boot

4) So, that's it.

In one hand I want to be able to rename Debian Live distro into Something distro by just changing one variable. And at the same time I want that multi-live usb tools detect the iso as a Debian live so that they don't have to implement their code for each and everyone of the Debian derivatives.

In the other hand I want a define a final way of setting up bootloaders config in an bootloader-agnostic way.

Thank you.

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