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Re: Debian Live Xen

Am 25.09.2012 07:48, schrieb Daniel Baumann:
On 09/25/2012 04:06 AM, Ed Dixon wrote:
Can some one put me on the right
path to getting a Debian Xen Dom0 live hypervisor or a Debian KVM
live equivalent?

i don't use either, so i have no clue, however.. my usual approach would be to build as usual and then check what's missing (and make live-build do that for the future).

Yesterday I've send following mail to Ed.
Maybe it is also useful for other poeple

 so I also send it to the list.
Sorry for my late response ;) made this a few month ago.

I wrote this script for my needs. These scripts are far from finished, but I hope they help you to find the necessary steps for a more general solution.

At the moment, I have no time to promote the project.

I've attached my current results.

On my system I'm using apt-cacher-ng. if you don't do this, you have to change the auto/config file and remove --apt-http-proxy line or change it to your needs.

I build my live image with hypervisor 4.1 and kernel 3.2-0-3
if you want other options you can change the --linux-packages line.

In my package list file: config/package-lists/my.list.chroot
I've added many packages. Some of them are needed some are only useful for me.

The whole magick happens in the config/hooks/101-copy-needed-files.binary file.
This is the place where you see what I'm doing to make an xen-image. ;)

I copy the hypervisor out of chroot in binary folder.
replace - with _ characters
recreate syslinux / isolinux files
and use the mboot.c32 package...( this makes it possible
to use xen without the need for grub as bootloader).


PS: Hope it helps a bit ;)
PPS: Also intresting for me was

Attachment: DebianLiveXenImageBuildScripts.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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