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cdeboostrap failure with Translations-en fixed


I tried recently to bootstrap a Debian sid with cdebootstrap, but have failed
with the cdebootstrap-helper-apt error, which popped up after cdebootstrap
installs it. Somehow, apt-get could not download Translations-en file.
I have tried different Debian mirrors, did not help.
What I did, I re-packed the /usr/share/cdebootstrap/cdebootstrap-helper-apt.deb
file, changing in DEBIAN/postinst file the string

 apt-get -o Debug::NoLocking=1 update

to the following

 apt-get -o Acquire::Languages=none -o Debug::NoLocking=1 update

Did someone see the cdebootsrap's failure with Translations-en file?
BTW, I have specificly included bzip2, so, it's not the issue.


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