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Bringing doc up to date for 3.x

I have started a big, systematic pass through the doc (primarily
live-manual, but we will correct any man pages that need work as we go)
to bring it up to date for 3.x. I expect this to take a few months.

Here's an outline of what I would like us to accomplish by the end of
January, in rough order of execution:

1. Get all the Examples working (test each one using 3.0~a38-1, or
whatever is latest).

2. Fix up related areas of doc*** as we work on each change to keep the
doc as consistent as possible. (This step is to be done concurrently
with step 1.)

3. Go back over the remaining doc, filling in the holes not covered in
Examples (noting at the same time any new Examples that may be needed to
cover that material, but not acting on it yet). As with step 1, make
sure every code example in the doc works by testing it.

4. Begin adding new material for new topics in 3.x (e.g. derivatives).

5. Address deficiencies in doc present ever since 2.x (e.g. more
examples using config/*/ subdirs, plus discussions in the main body of
the manual to cover those).

It's November now. I would like to at least reach the beginning of point
5 by Christmas. If you're interested in making a contribution to the
documentation, are skilled in doc writing, can work fairly independently
on it, but also work well in a team, I would be interested to hear from
you either here or on irc.

Ben (SynrG on irc).

*** e.g. As I worked through the preamble in the Examples section, the
first thing I spotted was that references to LB_MIRROR_* variables
should be changed to LB_PARENT_MIRROR_* variables, and the corresponding
option names throughout the manual, as the old variable and option names
are now for derivatives of the parent, which is not the "normal" case
for a new user. See:


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