On 09/07/2010 03:42 PM, Frank Zambrini wrote:
Apparently I'm not using either of them. I just grabbed live-helper and live-build from the sid repos and started working. I never realized that I needed anything else. I am building on Ubuntu 10.04, so maybe that has something to do with the problem.I see there is a package for live-initramfs in the Ubuntu repos, version 1.173.1. I am guessing that it is old so I will grab the latest from sid. Unless there is a better option.Thanks for the quick reply.
You have misunderstood. live-boot/live-config are *in the image itself*, not on your build system. likewise, live-initramfs (older incarnation of live-boot+live-config).
grep the resulting .packages file created when you build your image for these.