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Re: A few comments about live-helper.debian.net

On 08/09/2010 04:41 PM, S. wrote:
> -> live installer
> I'd like my live CD to be installable.  It tells me that it is
> generating a config using "--debian-installer: true".  Does this mean
> that it will include the debian live installer? 

there's no debian live installer, there's debian installer which in some
configurations can install the live system, see

> -> grub
> I'd like to use grub instead of syslinux.  But it appears that grub does
> not work.  The build fails with some errors: http://pastebin.com/vXcdfhpb

looks like a bug in live-helper. please open a bug in the bts if you can
confirm it with a manual build, see

> -> non-free
> Would it be possible to have the option to add "non-free" to
> --archive-areas ?

no. some packages in non-free have a too restrictive license (e.g. only
the debian archive and archive mirrors are allowed to distribute it).
since having a whitelist for packages in non-free which are
distributable is too much work (and would need to be constantly be kept
up2date), we don't allow non-free at all.

> -> tasks
> Would it be possible to add task selections to the interface? This would
> make it easier to add, for example, a complete printing system, or a
> complete web server system, without knowing the entire string of
> necessary packages.

i'm sure richard could add that.

> -> size constraint
> Would it be possible to let the user know how big his build will be
> before submitting it? Or could there be an option for "700 MB CD" or "4
> GB DVD"? That way people won't be slamming the server with builds until
> they get it trimmed to the right size. I personally would like my build
> to be 700 MB or less.

it's not really possible to know how big the resulting image will be.

however, i've talked with chris about that at dc10 and we thought that
nevertheless giving a *rough* estimate based on a simulated apt-get call
and a fixed ratio for compression rate could be done.

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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