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Re: Help for translation

On 06/20/2010 01:40 AM, Thierry Lépicier wrote:
> Here it is.

thank you very much, i've incorporated it into live-config, from the
next upload on the french translation will be there, yay ;)

a note for the future: translating stuff works like this, you take the
pot file, and then you have entries like this:

  msgid "Debian Live Project"
  msgstr ""

the first line (msgid) always contains the untranslated english string,
and the second line (msgstr) should contain the matching translation.
that way, it can automatically be detected if a translation needs
updates (if the msgid changed, then also the msgstr possibly needs to

so above example should look like this in the french po file:

  msgid "Debian Live Project"
  msgstr "Projet Debian Live"

if msgstr is empty, then that just means that it wasn't translated, and
that it should be translated at some point (for things that stay the
same, like boot options, then you just verbatimly copy the text from
msgid to msgstr).

> I have problems to translate chapter 7:78, 7:126, and some chapters
> using words "downstream" and "policykit".

downstream refers to projects that are based on debian-live or are
reusing code/technics/$whatever of the debian-live project.

policykit is the name of a piece of software, that can't be translated.

there are a few other missing translations, it would be nice if you
could have a look at those. the current file can be fetched from here:


note that entries like this:

  msgid "B<live-config.hostname>=I<HOSTNAME>"
  msgstr ""

this refers to a bootparameters, where the first part (everything before
the '=' sign is the name of the variable) is not translatable, but the
second part (everything after the '=' sign, which is value that gets
passed to the boot parameter) should be translated.

for the german manpage, this e.g. looks like this:

  msgid "B<live-config.hostname>=I<HOSTNAME>"
  msgstr "B<live-config.hostname>=I<RECHNERNAME>"

> Hope that may help this project.

it does, thanks a lot.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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