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Re: Broken documentation

On 02/21/2010 05:35 PM, Brian Wilson wrote:
When I refer to the Debian Live manual for help, what I most often see is


do you suggest that we remove the documentation until someone at somepoint has the time to sit down and write it?

*"Please do not add new content to the wiki, but contribute
<http://live.debian.net/manual/html/meta.html#contributing> to the
manual directly.*"

wiki.debian.org/DebianLive is a mess and not maintainable, that's why.

SO the feedback loop is very open - I submit something and someone
anonymous somewhere someday might possibly consider whether my
submission is good enough and add it. Then maybe someday it will show up
on the site.

did you read ' Applying patches'?

None of the docs have improved in the year or so I have
been looking at them,

we're only a few people working on live stuff, and most of us are already busy enough with other, imho more important, things regarding debian-live.

so I am not inclined to try the formal submission
approach (I can see that it's not working).

i don't remember that anyones patch to the manual wasn't applied almost immediately.

I still don't know how things are supposed to work, and I think a basic
overview should either be in the wiki or the manual.

please help writing one.

My specific problem: when I change a file, and it does not show up in
the finished image, I get very annoyed and frustrated. The instance I am
talking about right now is the /etc/network/interfaces file. I put it
into config/ tree, I put it into chroot/ tree and still it seems to end
up with my changes ignored. What is in the finished image is generic and
does not even have my interfaces in it.

/etc/network/interfaces is generated by live-initramfs on boot time, if you want your own, boot with nonetwork (see man live-initramfs for more information).

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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