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live-helper should support multiple repositories (stable and sid)

There must be some way to allow multiple repositories to be enabled during builds. Many times we want latest gnome version in a live cd, but sid repo dosent seem to have squashfs-tools or other packages which can be accessed from lenny. Wanted to try empathy. But the lenny repo has got old edition where many features are missing..

The very purpose of live cd's is to try out cutting edge packges, test them and make them stable as possible.

But if I create a live cd using older versions of debian stable, people say that ubuntu is more better option.

This isent good.

I wonder why the debian policy makers are ignoring that a major part of newbie users need something latest, which ubuntu provides them. Many people dont even know that ubuntu actually is an offshoot of debian.

I am not against ubuntu (save that i dont like the name) but nevertheless, its not the proper way of handling things if you want to create a usable software.

Histoy has shown that victory went to those who used the available tools to the best possible extent and not to those who had best tools.

Debian has got the best tools. I hope they use it wisely.


Harshad Joshi

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