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Schedule for the summer

Hi all,

so this is a list of the things happening in the next weeks for me..

until 2009-06-21:

  * hopefully fixing netboot syslinux generation when menu is disabled
    in live-helper, uploading this as live-helper 1.0.5-2.

    that's the version which should also go through stable-updates
    to lenny at some point. it will most likely be the last version
    of live-helper 1.0.x.

  * posting an (incomplete) plan of things to do for live-initramfs
    2.x and live-initramfs 2.x.

2009-06-21 - 2009-07-05:

  * i'm flying to porto alegre, brazil, to attend FISL 10 (24th till
    26th) for giving a talk and hold a workshop about debian-live.

  * i'm invited to stay at otavios place who's living near porto alegre
    for about a week (flight back is on 5th of july).

    in that time, i'll be hacking on live-installer (weeding out
    remaining bugs, and verifying that it works *identical* to d-i
    without live-installer), and going on the nerves of otavio by asking
    a lot of stupid questions about d-i.

    if time permits, i'll also take up what was done already on getting
    d-i launchable from the desktop (by loopmounting the initrd.img, see
    ml archive for some discussion about it).

2009-07-06 - 2009-07-15

  * when i'm arriving home, i hopefully will get to know if i passed
    exams i did in june.

    if i did pass, i start working on live-initramfs 2.x.
    if i failed, i have to retake exams in late august, which means that
    i'll be start the first phase of learning again.

2009-07-15 - 2009-07-31

  * i'll attend debconf in caceres, spain.

    in the fist week, there's debcamp, where i'll be working (or
    continuing to work on live-initramfs 2.x).

    in the second week, the actual debconf, lamby, marco and hopefully
    also otavio will join, and i'm sure we can make some progress
    on anything live related.


  * i'll not doing anything, swiss national day :))

2009-08-02 - 2009-08-22

  * if i passed exams, i'll start work on live-helper 2.x
    if i've failed, i put in the second phase of learning.

    exams retakes are 22th, 24th, and 26th of august.

2009-08-30 - 2009-09-13

  * not yet sure, maybe visiting ralph in NYC. not doing much
    live related stuff.


  * university terms starts again. back to 'normal' maintenance mode
    without large chunks of new stuff, but rather evolutionary changes.

What's not written above, somewhere in the time when i'm arround, i also
try to make the autobuilds available again and, finally, setup brandons
qemu autotesting stuff on live.debian.net. Maybe also dislocating
live.d.n to a swiss provider with free traffic.

And last but not least, d-i is planning to do an alpha release of
squeeze at some point. Whenever thats happening, i'd like to join with
an alpha release of live images as well. There won't by much to see
though except that it's all newer debian, but hey, we can release too ;)

.oO(right, and there's 5.0.2 to do as well at some point)


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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