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Default user decisions

Alle Sunday 27 April 2008, Daniel Baumann ha scritto:

> The only other live system I know remotely, uses username 'ubuntu' and
> no password.

> That made me curious what others think. So, what do *you* guys think?
> Should it be left as is? Or do you have other preferences? How do other
> live systems do it?

ssh wise, Ubuntu's choice is more secure, because it disallows ssh logins if 
the local console user did not provide a new password.

I think that using a NULL password like ubuntu do and providing both an 
interactive way to change it and a boot parameter could be the way I would 
like to have the user password managed.

That way we could have a more secure default image approach, a secure personal 
use approach and the ability to set a password easely at build time.

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